In recent times, FIFA has been undergoing a string of scandals, briberies and things of this nature which has led to a number of FIFA executives either deciding to resign from their position in the football governing authority.

It’s even believed that some countries have been able to host the worldwide competition for the simple reason that they paid certain officials in order to get enough votes to make it happen, even if this nation does not have enough technological resources or top stadiums to host an event of this magnitude, it has been discovered that it does not matter as long as the nation paid for their bids and votes.
However, there still is hope as the former FIFA vice-president Victor Montagliani believes that the upcoming editions of the World Cup will clean up everything that has recently been going on and will help in trying to restore the image of the sport which has been tainted by all of these defamations. Continue reading Victor Montagliani says that the next World Cups will clean up football