The FIFA general secretary has recently said that all the whole stadium is intended for the purpose of hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup matches will be ready in time. However, Jerome Valcke recently said that he doubts whether the nation will be able to complete the construction work before the start of this tournament. He is currently overseeing the progress made by the South American nation in delivering the World Cup. Valcke has said that he is expecting that more than 500,000 fans will be making the trip to the South American nation in order to see the World Cup.

As a result, infrastructure like transport and hotel also needs to improve, but Brazil are still a long way off from meeting the demands of the tournament according to Valcke. He has recently said that an unnamed city has just 17,000 hotel rooms despite having a stadium capacity of more than 45,000. The country has spent more than £ 9 billion in updating the infrastructure aspects in all the host cities. This includes aspects like the renovated or newly built stadiums – which number in 12 – airports, and bus lanes. The Sports Minister of Brazil, Aldo Rebelo recently said that he wants to make the World Cup leave a lasting legacy on the nation.

“In one unnamed city there are 17,000 hotel bedrooms and a 45,000 capacity stadium for the World Cup. But we have now moved from talking about the problems to talking about the solutions. We are able to find and answer the problems,” said Valcke. FIFA and the Brazil government have already come at loggerheads regarding a number of issues. However, it is expected that Brazil will certainly be not completely ready in number of ways for the 2013 Confederations cup that will take place in the summer.